Minister Responsible for Yukon Lottery Commission
The Minister Responsible for Yukon Lottery Commission develops legislative and regulatory initiatives in relation to interjurisdictional lotteries (Public Lotteries Act and Regulations) and is accountable to the Yukon Legislative Assembly for the Yukon government’s broad direction to the Commission.
Yukon Lottery Commission
The Yukon Lottery Commission is an agent of Yukon government appointed to provide conduct and management of interjurisdictional lotteries and allocate the profits from the sale of lottery tickets to arts, sport, and recreation throughout Yukon. Interjurisdictional lotteries currently applies to the sale of lottery tickets in Yukon and is a joint responsibility between the Yukon Lottery Commission and Western Canada Lottery Corporation.
Read the service agreement between the Yukon Lottery Commission and the Yukon Liquor Corporation:
Read the governance agreement between the Minister responsible for the Public Lotteries At and the Yukon Lottery Commission:
Lotteries Yukon
The administrative functions for the Yukon Lottery Commission are carried out by Lotteries Yukon. Lotteries Yukon provides support and services to:
- lottery retailers,
- lottery customers and members of the public,
- non-profit organizations seeking program funding, and
- to the Yukon Lottery Commission.
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