Funding for projects
The Projects Fund is intended to sustain and contribute to the growth of arts, sport and recreation in Yukon by:
- increasing access and participation of all Yukon people in arts, sport and recreation activities;
- supporting individuals in developing their skills/abilities in arts, sport and/or recreation;
- enhancing community arts, sport and recreation infrastructure; and
- increasing organizational and community capacity in arts, sport and recreation.
Applicants are encouraged to contact Lotteries Yukon to discuss their project before submitting an application.
Regular Intake:
Organizations may submit one application at each intake.
Small-Medium Projects – funding is available up to 90% of eligible project costs.
- up to $100,000 for equipment, minor construction and renovations; and
- up to $20,000 for festivals, events, productions and other projects.
Additional funds may be requested when projects bring arts, sport or recreation to Yukon rural communities and local community support is demonstrated.
Large Projects – funding is available up to 80% of eligible project costs.
Applicants who wish to access funding for large projects must discuss their project idea with the Program/Policy Advisor or General Manager prior to application submission.
Priority will be given to projects that may benefit more than one non-profit.
Projects resulting in operating and maintenance costs after project completion must demonstrate financial viability.
Opportunity Projects:
Organizations may submit one application per fiscal year.
Funding is available for projects that are low risk, simple to execute, low in cost and have not already been funded by Lotteries Yukon. Funding is available up to 100% of eligible project costs to a maximum of $7,500. Total project costs cannot exceed $20,000.
Applicant eligibility
Eligible applicants are registered Yukon non-profit organizations that:
- have been registered and operating for a minimum of one year and have held their first AGM;
- are in compliance with the Societies Act;
- have no outstanding reports with Lotteries Yukon; and
- have no debts owing to the Yukon government.
Ineligible applicants include:
- individuals; and
- all levels of government.
Project eligibility
Eligible projects are those that support arts, sport or recreation in Yukon as defined below:
- Recreation – active living; inclusion and access for populations that face constraints to participation; provision of supportive physical and social environments; connecting people and nature; and building recreation capacity.
- Arts – performing, visual and literary arts where Yukoners and Yukon communities are engaged.
- Sport – amateur level sports and physical fitness activities.
Ineligible projects include:
- projects where funding is normally the responsibility of another entity or government, and/or that provide direct benefit to government; and
- projects or programs offered to students during school hours.
Expense eligibility
Ineligible expenses include:
- activities that relate to services mandated by governments;
- project costs incurred prior to the application deadline;
- activities associated with the sale of art, including but not limited to: book and magazine publishing and sound recording;
- hosting events where there are no Yukon participants;
- accommodation, food (including per diems) or beverages;
- costs for Yukon residents to travel outside of Yukon;
- prizes, trophies and medals*;
- development of or improvements to private land or private buildings/structures;
- fundraising activities and expenses;
- items intended for personal use;
- wages that are normally paid by the organization;
- remuneration (including contracts, honoraria, etc.) for board members participating in the project;
- operating and maintenance costs related to the core operation of an organization; and
- project management or coordination expenses of more than $20,000.
*Prizes – where a project has prizes, the prize value must be disclosed in the budget and will not be considered in the total project costs when calculating the percentage of eligible funding.
All applications must include:
- complete application form and all supporting documentation;
- a motion from the board supporting the project;
- proof of ownership or authority to use land, building or site for project (lease agreements, permits, etc.);
- the applicant’s rental policy for all equipment purchased with the intent to rent. Applicants must demonstrate how the rental of equipment will remove barriers and increase participation in arts, sport or recreation;
- quotes or a breakdown of costs to substantiate budget items over $1,000 (each item);
- project budget (using Lotteries Yukon Excel form); and
- funding recognition plan.
In addition, Regular Intake applications must include:
- two quotes for budget items over $5,000. If two quotes are not practical, provide a rationale;
- quotes or a breakdown of tasks/hours to substantiate in-kind contributions. Refer to the in-kind contribution tab in the Financial Reports Form for details;
- proof of insurance may be required for high-priced equipment purchase;
- an Operating, Maintenance and Disposal Plan for equipment purchases over $10,000 outlining maintenance, frequency and person responsible; and
- for projects over $100,000, demonstration of leveraging or attempting to leverage other sources of funding.
Regular Intake:
Funding decisions are made approximately six (6) weeks after the intake date.
Opportunity Projects:
Funding decisions are made within 15 business days upon receipt of a complete application.
For further information on the Projects Fund, please contact Lotteries Yukon:
- By phone: (867) 633-7890
- Toll-free (in Yukon) at: 1-800-661-0555
- By email:
Reporting requirements include:
- Projects Fund - Final Report form (available on Lotteries Yukon website)
- Proof of recognition per Recognition Plan
- Submission of digital photos; and
- Projects Fund Financial Reports Excel document (Projects Budget submitted at time of application - captures the financial life cycle of the project).
Regular Project Intake Spring/Fall
Applicants have two options to apply for funding, either via our online portal or through forms.
These guidelines are for both the Regular Intake and Opportunity projects.
Regular Intake deadlines
Each year on:
- April 15
- October 15
Opportunity Projects
Applications must be received at least 10 business days before the project start date.
Final Reporting
All final reporting can be completed directly through the online portal. If you need assistance please contact us at